Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Week 8 Kindness Story: In the Eyes of an Orangutan

    Looking into the eyes of an animal can be disarming; they have a way of being with us that feels accepting and supportive. My sister shared a story with me about a special connection developed between a young man and an Orangutan at a wildlife refuge in Borneo.

    The young man, a university student, had gone to volunteer at the wildlife refuge but soon became homesick. One day a male orangutan sat down next to him on a log and gently put his hand on the young man’s leg to comfort him. The young man looked into the compassionate eyes of the orangutan and could feel the concern the animal had for his new, human friend. 

    I think most of us could use an emotional support animal. I’m more of a cat person, but if an orangutan wanted to move into our condo, I wouldn’t say no. 

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Week 10 Kindness Story: 3 Things I've Learned About Kindness

    I may not be able to fix the economic, political, environmental, and social problems plaguing the world, but I can focus on making anoth...