Monday, 16 December 2024

Week 7 Kindness Story: A Week of Random Acts

    I enjoy it when research validates my belief that being a good person is beneficial for everyone involved. Recently, I stumbled upon a study conducted by Oxford University and that predicted an improvement in wellbeing for those who performed acts of kindness for 7 days in a row.

    The results showed that performing at least one act of kindness for 7 days straight increased happiness, life satisfaction, compassion, trust, connection, and feeling positively about humanity. Further to that, the study found that the more acts of kindness that were performed the more wellbeing was boosted. 

    This seems like a win-win situation to me. Being kind to others is also being kind to ourselves.


1 comment:

Week 10 Kindness Story: 3 Things I've Learned About Kindness

    I may not be able to fix the economic, political, environmental, and social problems plaguing the world, but I can focus on making anoth...